Frequently asked questions on leasing service bulls from Pukemore Station.
How are NAIT movements handled?
We scan all bulls leaving and returning to our farm. All the PICA (person in charge of NAIT animals) needs to do is confirm the movement in the NAIT system.
Who pays for the freight?
You - the lessee pays for cartage from and return to our farm.
Where can your service bulls be delivered to in New Zealand?
We deliver our service bulls throughout the North Island.
What happens if a bull is injured or goes lame?
We will swap out the bull(s) for you free of charge. However, you will pay cartage for the swaps.
What happens if a bull dies?
We will send you a replacement bull free of charge. However, you will pay for the replacement cartage. There is no charge to you for the dead bull.
Do you fertility test bulls?
We are happy to arrange fertility testing at an additional cost to the lessee. Where possible, we combine fertility testing among clients to reduce overall costs.
What are your payment terms?
- Payment is due 14 days after receiving the bulls (unless otherwise arranged).
Please read our Full Terms and Conditions.
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